Out of Line

Out of Line / Waterloo is a small town near Brussels. It's famous because the army of Napoleon was beaten here in June 1815. This battle  is replayed every year. Many people come dressed in original uniforms with their guns, horses...from all over Europe and Russia.
Waterloo is a small town near Brussels. It's famous because the army of Napoleon was beaten here in June 1815. This battle is replayed every year. Many people come dressed in original uniforms with their guns, horses...from all over Europe and Russia.
8595... 99...


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Marlen 0.0028 апреля 2012 00:28
Удачный момент! Улыбка
Korol 66.4128 апреля 2012 00:37
Мне понравилось Супер
Nata Kozlovsky (Shreela) 78.1728 апреля 2012 01:05
Строгий мужчина Улыбка  Улыбка  Супер
Johny Hemelsoen 255.0928 апреля 2012 01:12
Heel mooi.
Andrefoto 103.5128 апреля 2012 01:14
Funny OUTOFLINER Смех  Супер
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 02:15
Mistral, Yes, you are right. They are Scots. I think this is the 92nd Highland regiment. Have a look here: http://www.britishbattles.com/waterloo/waterloo-june-1815.htm
Thanks for your appreciation!  Пиво
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 02:20
Moris, Korol, Johny Hemelsoen, Andrefoto, Many thanks!!!!  Супер
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Иван Иванов 0.0028 апреля 2012 02:30
Strong Highlanders!
Артем Журавлев 39.3128 апреля 2012 02:46
Век живи - век учись...
отличный кадр!
Yanina Sky 41.9628 апреля 2012 03:58
хорошо, интересно!!!)))
Валерий Козуб 175.8128 апреля 2012 04:48
Danny, замечательно!
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 05:29
Mistral, Yes, of course this show is based on terrible war and many people were killed here. It is often like this. But it is nice to see and to take pictures. There are three camps exactly at the places where the French and the Allied forces were in 1815. All has to be historically correct.The whole area of the battle (fields, old farmhouses...)is protected and looks like it did 200 years ago. The participants sleep in old tents on straw, eat out of wooden bowls...all like in the days of Napoleon.  Улыбка
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 05:29
Yanina Sky, Козуб Валерий, Many thanks!!!!!  Супер
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 06:06
People so to that haven't learned, are at war till now. Thanks for interesting dialogue.
People will always be people... creating beautiful things, living in periods of prosperity and high culture and then swinging towards war and destruction doing terrible things, following the wrong "leaders" for the wrong reasons.

Have a nice weekend!
Olenikow 56.1828 апреля 2012 08:01
Порадывало фото!!! Смех
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 08:09
Mistral,My e-mail is on the right side of my profile  Супер
Алексей Соколов 184.0128 апреля 2012 08:11
отличный момент
Яков Трембовольский 549.5328 апреля 2012 08:55
Good snapshot. Blurring looks like a bit artificial.
Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 09:09
Яков Трембовольский, Picture was taken with Nikon 180/2.8 at F3.2. No need to blur artificially with this lens because it has a wonderful bokeh. But the sunlight was very harsh and perhaps this gives you this impression.Many thanks!

Danny Vangenechten 158.2328 апреля 2012 09:10
Алексей Соколов, Many thanks, Alexei!  Улыбка
Tamara Patrejeva 164.2628 апреля 2012 11:00
Boull 26.3128 апреля 2012 13:17
Super moment!!!!!! Bravo! Супер  Супер
Sherg 45.6829 апреля 2012 10:39
Интересный снимок! Обратил внимание, что ружья держат левой рукой. Или вы перевернули кадр?
Danny Vangenechten 158.2329 апреля 2012 12:22
Sherg, No, the picture was taken like this on the parade ground where the troups had to stand in lines. Many thanks!  Супер
Danny Vangenechten 158.2329 апреля 2012 12:22
Tamara Patrejeva, Boull, Many thanks for your friendly comments!!!!  Улыбка

Danny Vangenechten 158.23
Nikon D700
28.04.2012 00:23
NIKON D700, 1/1000 sec, F/3.2, 180mm, ISO 200, 19.06.2010
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