Любовные истории

Любовные истории / Sometimes you break your heart into trash You stand silent, holding the fragments in your hands You carried it exaltedly to other people's feet They're just animals, damn it like wolves And the blood doesn't flow through your veins anymore Without a heart you don't walk far In your empty soul, something scrapes there Something groans that something is dying Around everything, gray-empty, like fog The world is cloudy, like behind corrugated glass A drunk glass does not help And it seems that you will not be in love And it seems that everything that was in vain And there is no more faith, and everything is rotten But this not the last dawn And other countries lie beyond the sea And it's a sin to take care of your heart, let it live Let your warm palms be stroked Someday it's really lucky Must take, not all people are horses .......... (Ignatov's rhymes)
Sometimes you break your heart into trash You stand silent, holding the fragments in your hands You carried it exaltedly to other people's feet They're just animals, damn it like wolves And the blood doesn't flow through your veins anymore Without a heart you don't walk far In your empty soul, something scrapes there Something groans that something is dying Around everything, gray-empty, like fog The world is cloudy, like behind corrugated glass A drunk glass does not help And it seems that you will not be in love And it seems that everything that was in vain And there is no more faith, and everything is rotten But this not the last dawn And other countries lie beyond the sea And it's a sin to take care of your heart, let it live Let your warm palms be stroked Someday it's really lucky Must take, not all people are horses .......... (Ignatov's rhymes)
363... 26...


Валерия Струнникова 713.6627 августа 2020 08:14
Ах, как я люблю такие сюжеты, прекрасно снято !!!!!!!!!! Супер
Andrey Shamrin 350.1227 августа 2020 13:43
Ах, как я люблю такие сюжеты, прекрасно снято !!!!!!!!!!
Спасибо Валерия ! Спасибо Всем заглянувшим на мою страничку !

Валерия Струнникова,

Andrey Shamrin 350.12
27.08.2020 06:47
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