Gjerrild Klint (Baltic Sea)

Gjerrild Klint (Baltic Sea) / Gjerrild Klint is up to 20 meters high and almost 2 kilometers long cliff on the northeast coast of Djursland to the Kattegat. 2.5 km northeast of the village Gjerrild.

The oldest layer of Gjerrild Klint comes from the penultimate Ice Age, the Saale Ice Age, which ended about 128,000 years ago. The most recent layers date from the recent Ice Age, the Vistula Ice Age, which was around 18,000 BC. Reached its peak. Although it lies north of the limestone cliffs of Karleby and Sangstrup, it is a completely different geological structure consisting entirely of deposits from the Ice Age.
Gjerrild Klint is up to 20 meters high and almost 2 kilometers long cliff on the northeast coast of Djursland to the Kattegat. 2.5 km northeast of the village Gjerrild.

The oldest layer of Gjerrild Klint comes from the penultimate Ice Age, the Saale Ice Age, which ended about 128,000 years ago. The most recent layers date from the recent Ice Age, the Vistula Ice Age, which was around 18,000 BC. Reached its peak. Although it lies north of the limestone cliffs of Karleby and Sangstrup, it is a completely different geological structure consisting entirely of deposits from the Ice Age.
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